Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Here are some notes from a lovely week in Brazil in August 2013. I spent four days in Angra Dos Reis, a beach town about two hours drive from Rio, and then five days in Rio, enjoying "being a local" while I stayed at friends' apartment in Leblon and hung out with friends for their wedding celebration.

This is a short addendum to the Rio de Janeiro blog post from a family vacation in September 2008, which has much more touristy details.

Here are highlights
* Angra Dos Reis - lovely small beach town with windy ocean side roads that connect little villages
* Pousada Jamanta - wonderful hotel away near Angra Dos Reis, and they run their own dive shop!
* Great restaurants

Angra Dos Reis
Pousada Jamanta - Diana speaks English and Spanish, and we corresponded with her via email to arrange all of the details of our stay, including the scuba diving and the driver (atendimento@pousadajamanta.com.br).
+55 24 33651374

Awesome driver - Rodrigo Rezende
+55 21 67403804
+55 21 77030061

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